Tagged: Victoria Beach

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton

2016 Presidential Candidates

Psychological profiles of 2016 U.S. presidential candidates Jeb Bush, Ben Carson, Chris Christie, Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabee, John Kasich, Rand Paul, Rick Perry, Marco Rubio, Donald Trump, and Scott Walker (GOP) and Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders (Democrats).

Past Directors of Undergraduate Research

Directory of past directors of undergraduate research at the Unit for the Study of Personality in Politics: Elise Vomacka (2022-23); Yunyiyi (Teddy) Chen )2021-22; Annie Griebie & Kiara Westendorf (spring 2020); Anna Faerber & Annie Griebie (fall 2019); Katelyn Hendrickson (2018-19); Meghan Keaveny (2017-18), assisted by Katlin Rice (spring 2018); Victoria Beach (2016-17).