What if Introverts Ruled the World?
What if Introverts Ruled the World?
By Richard Stengel
Managing Editor
Vol. 179, No. 5, p. 2
Monday, February 6, 2012
This week’s cover story (which is one of my favorites) is not about politics. At least, not directly. But in a political season when we are evaluating candidates in terms of leadership and style, it’s worth using the introvert-extrovert framework to look at the campaign. The story, by Bryan Walsh, which draws on research from a new book by Susan Cain called Quiet, suggests that as a society, we have an affinity for extroversion that may not be healthy and a bias against introversion that may not be wise. …
Research suggests that extroverted leaders are more likely to make quick and sometimes rash decisions, while introverted leaders tend to gather more evidence and are slower to judgment. …
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