Tagged: Gov. John Kasich

Fox News primary debate candidates

Personalities Pack GOP Debate

Summary: Psychological evaluation and comparison of the 10 GOP presidential contenders in the August 6, 2015 Fox News Republican candidate debate in Cleveland, Ohio.

Fox News poll preference

GOP Presidential Candidate Profiles, Polling, and Debates

Summary: The large number of declared and prospective Republican presidential candidates in the 2016 election cycle poses a challenge for the Unit for the Study of Personality in Politics, which aims to release psychological profiles of all debate participants prior to the first GOP debate, presented by Fox News in collaboration with Facebook Aug. 6, 2015 in Cleveland, Ohio.

John Kasich

Summary: A psychological analysis of Ohio governor John Kasich — a contender for the Republican nomination in the 2016 presidential election — by Timothy Immelman, Katherine Jennissen, Brianna Kupser, Jeremy Reller, Samantha Womeldorf, Joe Trenzeluk, and Aubrey Immelman, Ph.D., at the Unit for the Study of Personality in Politics, revealed that Kasich’s primary personality patterns are Dominant / asserting and Accommodating / cooperative, with secondary Ambitious / confident and Outgoing / congenial features. In summary, Kasich’s personality composite can be characterized as a “forceful mediator.”