Tagged: Anna Faerber

Past Directors of Undergraduate Research

Directory of past directors of undergraduate research at the Unit for the Study of Personality in Politics: Elise Vomacka (2022-23); Yunyiyi (Teddy) Chen )2021-22; Annie Griebie & Kiara Westendorf (spring 2020); Anna Faerber & Annie Griebie (fall 2019); Katelyn Hendrickson (2018-19); Meghan Keaveny (2017-18), assisted by Katlin Rice (spring 2018); Victoria Beach (2016-17).

Trump’s Personality Could Win, Except …

Summary: Donald Trump’s primary personality patterns are ambitious / exploitative (a measure of narcissism), and outgoing / impulsive (a measure of extraversion). Secondarily, Trump exhibits a dominant / controlling pattern, supplemented by dauntless / adventurous and contentious / resolute tendencies — a personality composite best labeled a “high-dominance charismatic.”