Donald Trump 2024
Donald Trump’s personality is Ambitious/exploitative, Dominant/controlling, and Outgoing/impulsive, with a high-dominance, charismatic leadership style.
Donald Trump’s personality is Ambitious/exploitative, Dominant/controlling, and Outgoing/impulsive, with a high-dominance, charismatic leadership style.
Psychological assessment reveals Mike Pence’s personality is Conscientious/dutiful, Dominant/asserting, Ambitious/confident, and Accommodating/cooperative.
Candidate News and Personality Profiles — 2024 Presidential Election Candidates
Partial index of psychological studies of U.S. presidents and presidential candidates, foreign leaders, and leading terrorist figures conducted at the Unit for the Study of Personality in Politics.
Summary: Psychological assessment reveals Donald Trump’s personality is Ambitious/exploitative (narcissistic), Dominant/controlling, and Outgoing/impulsive, with a high-dominance, charismatic leadership style.
A preliminary psychological analysis of U.S. vice president Mike Pence revealed that Pence’s primary personality pattern is Conscientious/dutiful, complemented by secondary Dominant/asserting, Ambitious/confident, and Accommodating/cooperative features and a minor Outgoing/congenial tendency. In summary, Pence’s personality composite can be characterized as a “conscientious deliberator.”
Summary: The Unit for the Study of Personality in Politics (USPP) ‘Media Tipsheet’ offers political reporters looking for a fresh story angle a sometimes unique, often unconventional perspective on politics.
2016 Nominating Conventions CNN looks back at eight days of nominating conventions in 150 seconds. 2016 Democratic National Convention (Philadelphia, July 25-29) Photo: Democratic National...
Summary: The Unit for the Study of Personality in Politics (USPP) ‘Media Tipsheet’ offers political reporters looking for a fresh story angle a sometimes unique, often unconventional perspective on politics.
Summary: A psychological analysis (conducted summer 2015) of real estate mogul and television celebrity Donald Trump — a contender for the Republican nomination in the 2016 presidential election — by Hannah Hoppe and Aubrey Immelman, Ph.D., at the Unit for the Study of Personality in Politics, revealed that Trump’s predominant personality pattern is Ambitious/self-serving (a measure of narcissism) with secondary features of the Dominant/controlling and Outgoing/gregarious patterns — a personality composite best characterized as a “high-dominance charismatic.” … October 2016 update: Donald Trump’s predominant personality patterns are Ambitious/exploitative (a measure of narcissism) and Outgoing/impulsive, infused with secondary features of the Dominant/controlling pattern, and supplemented by a Dauntless/adventurous tendency. This particular personality composite can be labeled “amorous narcissism” or, in political terms, “high-dominance charismatic” — charismatic by virtue of the highly elevated primary Ambitious–Outgoing amalgam.
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