Joe Biden 2024
Joe Biden’s personality is Outgoing/gregarious, Accommodating/cooperative, and Ambitious/confident, with a collegial, accommodative leadership style.
Joe Biden’s personality is Outgoing/gregarious, Accommodating/cooperative, and Ambitious/confident, with a collegial, accommodative leadership style.
Donald Trump’s personality is Ambitious/exploitative, Dominant/controlling, and Outgoing/impulsive, with a high-dominance, charismatic leadership style.
Summary: Psychological assessment reveals Donald Trump’s personality is Ambitious/exploitative (narcissistic), Dominant/controlling, and Outgoing/impulsive, with a high-dominance, charismatic leadership style.
Summary: The Unit for the Study of Personality in Politics (USPP) ‘Media Tipsheet’ offers political reporters covering the 2020 U.S. presidential campaign a psychological perspective on politics.
Summary: A psychological analysis of former North Carolina Sen. John Edwards reveals that his primary personality patterns are Ambitious/self-serving and Outgoing/gregarious — a personality composite known as the “amorous narcissist” — with secondary features of the Dauntless/adventurous and Accommodating/cooperative patterns.
Summary: Donald Trump’s primary personality patterns are ambitious / exploitative (a measure of narcissism), and outgoing / impulsive (a measure of extraversion). Secondarily, Trump exhibits a dominant / controlling pattern, supplemented by dauntless / adventurous and contentious / resolute tendencies — a personality composite best labeled a “high-dominance charismatic.”
Psychology offers glimpse of how he might act in office Click on image for larger view (not part of St. Cloud Times report) By Aubrey...
Summary: The Unit for the Study of Personality in Politics (USPP) ‘Media Tipsheet’ offers political reporters looking for a fresh story angle a sometimes unique, often unconventional perspective on politics.
Summary: Political personality and leadership style of 2004 Republican presidential candidate George W. Bush.
Summary: Sen. John Kerry’s primary personality pattern is Ambitious/confident, with secondary features of the Dominant/asserting and Dauntless/adventurous patterns.
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