Tagged: MIDC

Mike Pence

A preliminary psychological analysis of U.S. vice president Mike Pence revealed that Pence’s primary personality pattern is Conscientious/dutiful, complemented by secondary Dominant/asserting, Ambitious/confident, and Accommodating/cooperative features and a minor Outgoing/congenial tendency. In summary, Pence’s personality composite can be characterized as a “conscientious deliberator.”

Trump’s Personality Could Win, Except …

Summary: Donald Trump’s primary personality patterns are ambitious / exploitative (a measure of narcissism), and outgoing / impulsive (a measure of extraversion). Secondarily, Trump exhibits a dominant / controlling pattern, supplemented by dauntless / adventurous and contentious / resolute tendencies — a personality composite best labeled a “high-dominance charismatic.”

John Kerry

Summary: Sen. John Kerry’s primary personality pattern is Ambitious/confident, with secondary features of the Dominant/asserting and Dauntless/adventurous patterns.

Fox News primary debate candidates

Personalities Pack GOP Debate

Summary: Psychological evaluation and comparison of the 10 GOP presidential contenders in the August 6, 2015 Fox News Republican candidate debate in Cleveland, Ohio.