Collegeville course takes close look at candidates
We plan to share their perceptions of the 2000 election campaign By Randy Krebs, Editorial Page Editor St. Cloud Times November 21, 1999 COLLEGEVILLE — You...
We plan to share their perceptions of the 2000 election campaign By Randy Krebs, Editorial Page Editor St. Cloud Times November 21, 1999 COLLEGEVILLE — You...
The dominant feature of Rudy Giuliani’s personality is a controlling, aggressive tendency. When a prominent aggressive tendency combines with moral certitude, the resulting personality prototype is the “hostile enforcer.”
Rudy Giuliani is a dominant, controlling, aggressive personality whose combative orientation was instrumental to his success as a prosecutor and as mayor of New York City.
Giuliani’s primary personality pattern is Dominant/aggressive, with secondary features of the Conscientious/dutiful and Ambitious/confident patterns. The combination of highly dominant and conscientious patterns in Giuliani’s profile suggests an aggressive enforcer personality composite.
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