Executive Summary: Personality Profile of Bill Bradley
“The Political Personality of Former New Jersey Senator Bill Bradley”[Abstract of research paper]
Articles about Bill Bradley by USPP contributors
“Taking the high road hurt Bill Bradley” (Aubrey Immelman and Joshua Jipson. St. Cloud Times, April 2, 2000, p. 9B.) — In basketball, it’s common to find two post players fighting their own personal battle down on the block. They push, shove, and elbow each other while fighting for position. The intensity of these battles varies: sometimes the adversaries remain respectful and relatively clean, while at other times they degenerate into parquet pugilists. In the latter kind of confrontation, the necessary course of action for competitors is simple: get tough or get beat. This situation can be likened to political campaigning. … Full report
“Bradley seems more accommodating than his rival” (Katie Conlin and Kara Hansen. St. Cloud Times, January 16, 2000, p. 9B.) — With the Iowa caucuses and New Hampshire’s first-in-the-nation presidential primaries fast approaching, the pace on the campaign trail is heating up, with Bill Bradley resolutely closing in on the leaders of the pack. Yet much of the voting public knows little about Bradley, the former NBA star and New Jersey senator. A peek into Bradley’s personality and wide-ranging achievements offers illuminating insights. … Full report
“Gore-Bradley nomination battle will be far from boring” (Matthew J. Tinguely and Tom Lewandowski. St. Cloud Times, December 19, 1999, p. 11B.) — True introverts are uncommon in modern presidential politics. They lack the connect-with-people charisma and self-promoting affinity necessary to achieve high public office in these times. The contest for the 2000 Democratic nomination between Al Gore and Bill Bradley is anomalous in that, for top-tier politicians, both contenders are uncommonly reserved. Gore is more so than Bradley, who is less campaign-challenged in this regard. Beyond their introversion, both are highly conscientious. The presence of two such similar personalities on the presidential campaign trail can have some unexpected implications. … Full report
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